






联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101



There are four methods for biogas purification, namely absorption method, pressure swing adsorption method, low-temperature condensation method, and membrane separation method.
The absorption purification process is achieved by utilizing organic amine solutions (primary amine, secondary amine, tertiary amine, steric hindrance amine, etc.) and the physical and chemical absorption properties of carbon dioxide, that is, by reacting with carbon dioxide in the biogas at pressure and room temperature in the absorption tower. The absorption liquid undergoes a reverse analysis reaction under pressure and heating conditions in the regeneration tower to release high-purity carbon dioxide gas. At the same time, rich liquid regeneration has the ability to reabsorb carbon dioxide to achieve continuous decarbonization and purification of methane in the absorption tower, and to enable continuous absorption and regeneration of the decarbonized liquid.
The pressure fluctuation adsorption purification method utilizes adsorbent (such as molecular sieve) to selectively adsorb carbon dioxide, which means that the carbon dioxide on the adsorbent has a higher separation coefficient than other gas components, in order to achieve the purpose of removing carbon dioxide from biogas. During the adsorption process, carbon dioxide in the feed gas is pressurized and adsorbed in the adsorption tower, while methane and other weakly adsorbed gases are released as purification gases. When the adsorption is saturated, the adsorption column is pressurized or even pumped into vacuum to release the adsorbed carbon dioxide. To ensure continuous gas treatment, PSA requires at least two adsorption towers, which can be three, four, or more.
The low-temperature condensation purification process utilizes the high condensation temperature of carbon dioxide to liquefy the carbon dioxide in biogas through low-temperature action, and the methane component is discharged as a non condensable gas to purify the product gas. In order to reduce operational energy consumption, regeneration technology is usually used to restore the remaining cooling capacity.
Due to the different permeability of membranes under pressure driving, membrane separation and cleaning processes are achieved by using different gas components. Usually, the permeation rate of carbon dioxide is fast, while the permeation rate of methane is slow, and the purified product gas is obtained in the form of a permeable gas as a slow gas. In mechanical engineering, multi-stage membrane separation processes are commonly used to increase the concentration of methane gas.
At present, biogas purification projects mainly use adsorption and pressure fluctuation adsorption, while low-temperature condensation and membrane separation methods are rarely used due to their mature technology and economic efficiency.
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